The Effective Benefit of Bojin Body Massage

Bo Jin Therapy combines the philosophy of meridians, acupuncture points, and chi with the modern knowledge of muscular Fascia.

Bo Jin therapy is a unique deep massage therapy that combines the philosophy of acupuncture points and chi with the modern knowledge of the muscular and nervous system. Water buffalo hands combine to create MTM, a traditional Chinese therapy that impacts the 3 key elements of the body: chi, health and beauty.

what is bojin body massage?

Bojin is becoming more popular as more people learn about it. A variety of therapies is involved in Bojin. Bojin is used in China for centuries to treat a variety of conditions. Bojin is becoming more popular in the West. This is likely due to the fact that more people are learning about the benefits of this type of treatment.

Bojin has some benefits, what are they?

Bojin back massage benefit

Low back pain is experienced by almost everyone at some time in their lives. Pain can vary in severity, but it’s always unpleasant. Low back pain can cause any number of different problems, including achy joints, stiffness, and many more.

Bojin massage works on many important pressure points that are located on the back, and it’s also a good general wellness therapy. If you want to learn how to relieve the tension in your own body, get an appointment with a massage therapist.

Bojin head massage benefit

Many of the most common headaches, such as migraines, are caused by stress or emotional distress. Headaches can result from many causes. They can come from a medical disorder, such as migraine, high blood pressure, anxiety, and many more.

A headache can occur in any part of the head, on both sides of the head or in just one location, such as:

Migraine headache: When there is severe throbbing pain in one part of the head, sometimes it’s at the front or side. Your nausea and vomiting can often be controlled by eating smaller meals and staying upright, and you may feel very sensitive.

Tension headache: If you’re feeling faint or have a headache that can be described as a band around your head. Side effects may occur on either the right or left side of the head.

Bojin tool can help with headaches. By applying pressure with the Bojin massage tool on the specific meridian channels and acupressure points relating to headaches, you can have relief from headaches. Multiple sessions lead to long-term recovery if you have a severe headache.

Bojin body massage benefit

Besides the above-mentioned benefits, bojin body massage also has many other benefits such as:

  • To help you find relief for chronic and acute pain conditions.
  • Help you improve blood sugar levels and better control diabetes.
  • Can help you with various skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, rosacea, and wrinkles.
  • Bojin can be used to treat a variety of diseases in the GI tract. Bojin can help to relieve pain and improve digestion.
  • It has amazing effects on your face.  

Bojin massage side effects

Bojin body massageor bojin orthopedic massage is completely safe. The procedure is not supposed to be painful, but it may change the appearance of your skin. Tiny capillaries beneath your skin can break open during a deep tissue massage, which can result in tiny bruises or welts that heal quickly and are often invisible. A bruise usually disappears within two days.

In fact, some people have indentations on their skin after a bojin body massage treatment. This can sometimes last for days or weeks, but in the majority of cases, this temporary skin indentation disappears within a few hours.

Bojin vs gua sha

Bojin is a deeper exfoliating facial treatment that uses the same principles as guasha, but goes deeper into the muscle and causes less redness. Bojin facial uses a traditional Chinese facial to work on your muscles and tendons and release blocked energy lines in the face that lead to frown lines. The Bojin device is the only non-invasive treatment for bojin facial treatment fat reduction that actually reduces submental fat.

Bojin slimming

Your skin has its own life cycle, just as your blood, liver, heart, or other organs. Cellulite is caused by blocked meridian channels in our body, causing our body to have less metabolisms, which then causes cellulite. Bojin body massage is an effective method to cleanse your meridian channels and rejuvenate your metabolism to help you get a slimmer body.

Target 9 Meridian points for slimming effects– Liver, Stomach, Kidney, Spleen etc

  • Arms
  • Thigh
  • Stomach
  • Calves

Get a professional bojin body massage with Kelly Oriental

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Kelly Oriental

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